{Personal Post} My Baby Boy

The past 8 weeks have flown by in a flash! I realized just the other day that I never made a post on here about my son being born. So here's a condensed version of his birth and life up to now...

On Saturday, October 15, at 12:56 a.m., after a long and terrible labor I gave birth to our beautiful, perfect son! It was a moment like nothing else I've ever experienced. Hearing him cry as he took his first breath in this world absolutely took my breath away! He looked exactly as I had imagined, and felt more soft and sweet than I could have ever dreamed. This moment was what we had prayed for for so long. Our son was finally in my arms and he was perfect.

Our next few hours went by so quickly. We had so many friends and family come visit us that even the nurses mentioned they'd never seen so many people show up to visit a baby; little did they know that was only half of our enormous family! We were discharged on Sunday afternoon, but had to be readmitted on Monday for jaundice treatment. Because of his jaundice we ended up being in and out of doctor's offices and the hospital for 5 out of the first 6 days of his life in the air breathing world. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see my newborn pricked so many times and cry his little heart out. So when we were finally given a good bilirubin report on that Friday we absolutely cherished our alone time with our baby even more!

Since then my little one has had days full of snuggles, playtime, and lots of sleep! And being the photog mommy that I am he's also had TONS of photo sessions! So here are some of my favorites of our sweet little man...

He is the greatest blessing here on earth we could have ever imagined! We praise God daily for making us a family, and answering our prayers!

"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him." 1 Samuel 1:27

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 107:1


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