{Personal Post} Baby McCallister due October 2016!

On February 12, 2016, at 6:30am, after nearly 4 years of infertility I got my first ever positive pregnancy test! 

I awoke that morning with songs of praise in my heart before even knowing if God had answered our prayers, because regardless of the outcome I had complete peace that my Jesus knew me and loved me and was making miracles happen. As I waited for the test to tell me a "yes" or "no" I started thinking of all the times I'd done this same thing before, and all the "no's" that had stared me in the face. But this time was different. As I opened my tear filled eyes to read the test it said "Pregnant"! I was both baffled and exhilarated. I sat in the bathroom and just wept for a good amount of time before gathering myself back together to go share the news with my husband. When I showed him the test we both just started laughing and weeping and praising Jesus--because we both knew it was nothing short of a Divine Miracle! 

The next month we were able to see our "little shrimp" for the first time on an ultrasound. The sight took my breath away! My husband and mom were able to be there with me, and it was absolutely beautiful. So many times I'd had ultrasounds done (for medical purposes) and just had to look at my dark and empty uterus, but on this day it was full with a child whose heart beat in such a perfect rhythm the doctor even mentioned the sheer beauty of it! 

Just a few weeks later we were able to announce to our friends and family that we were expecting our precious little miracle! 

Baby after infertility

Then on Mother's Day we had the privilege of sharing that our "little shrimp" was a BOY!! 

We are now less than 15 weeks away from meeting our precious little boy! We continuously praise our Creator for giving us this blessing to take care of! I am looking forward to sharing our journey into the world of parenthood and appreciate everyone that's prayed for us to be standing where we are today! 

{Psalm 139}


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